23 April 2021


It’s important that you get the right look for your new kitchen. After all, the kitchen tends to be a focal point in the house so it’s no surprise that you don’t want to settle on the first design you come across. Having said that, it can be hard to know where to start when it comes to finding the inspiration. Whether you’re on the lookout for modern kitchen ideas or prefer a more traditional style, let’s take a look at some of the best sources for design inspiration.

Search the internet

The internet is often the first stop when you’re looking for design ideas for your new kitchen and it can help you narrow down styles which you like. Take a look at kitchen galleries, Pinterest boards and online photos to help you decide which ideas you’d like to pursue further. However, give yourself a time limit on how long you focus on scouring the internet – it’s easy to get stuck in a never-ending cycle of image searches so get some ideas and then move on!

Tour display homes

Display homes aren’t just useful if you’re planning on building an entire house – they also offer a fantastic source of inspiration for your upcoming kitchen renovations. Display homes give you the opportunity to peruse a range of different styles and experience first-hand what a certain kitchen design may look like in your home. You also become familiarised with some of the designs of leading kitchen designers who feature in the display homes so you can contact them directly for more details.

Visit a showroom

Pictures are one thing but it’s another to actually see certain ideas in real life. Take the time to visit some showrooms so you can see the quality up close and get a better idea of size, colour options and texture. In particular, look for showrooms which feature life sized kitchens so you can really get an idea of what certain designs look like in practice. A showroom also gives you additional inspiration for design styles you might not have previously considered.

Speak with a designer

A professional kitchen designer is going to be your best resource when it comes to kitchen inspiration. They’re across the various design styles which could be implemented in your space and are also up to date with current trends and innovations. With their design knowledge and experience, they have the ability to take a look at your space and help transform it into an area which truly reflects your personality.

When it comes to modern kitchen designs in Perth, look no further than The Maker. Our award-winning designers will work closely with you to deliver a customised kitchen which perfectly reflects your personal style. To get more of an idea of what we have to offer, make an appointment to visit our extensive showrooms and meet with one of our designers.

For kitchen makeovers Perth, contact the team at The Maker today on 1300 270 000.

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