16 September 2021


If one of your goals for 2020 was to finally get cracking on that kitchen renovation you have been talking about for so long, you are about to embark on an exciting journey! There is lots to think about when it comes to any major works in the home, and one of the most important factors is the dreaded ‘b’ word. Budget. Planning a kitchen renovation can be a financial balancing act and when it comes down to it, it’s likely that you’ll need to compromise on some items in order to include features that are most important to you. But how do you know what those things are?

We are here to help shed some light on where you should splurge your hard-earned dollars and not scrimp on quality – and where you can pare back the spending.

Splurge: Quality Appliances

Good quality appliances are some of the most important features in your kitchen. So unless you have high-spec items in your kitchen already, it’s a great opportunity to upgrade and factor in the cost to your overall renovation. Use this time to choose designs that can do the hard work for you – like a bigger oven in a trusted brand, that also has a self-cleaning system. The inclusion of functions like these do add a bit to the cost, but the convenience of not having to spend hours scrubbing the oven with smelly cleaners is worth it. Also consider prioritising energy efficiency in appliances that are on all day, such as fridges, as what you spend now could come back to you in the form of savings in your power bill in the future!

Splurge: Quality Cabinetry

When undertaking a significant room remodel, the last thing you want is the possibility of needing to go through it all again – so it’s important that your end product is ultimately a well-made, good-quality kitchen that will really stand the test of time. With this in mind, we think splurging on quality cabinetry and fittings is an undoubtably worthwhile investment into your kitchen.

Investing in quality custom cabinets will not only save you money in the long run (by making sure you don’t have to replace them often) but when cabinetry is built specifically for your space the difference in the quality feel of the room is palpable – rather than a flat pack option cut to fit, which can lead to the space feeling cheap. Do your research into the suppliers that you are considering and ask about the materials they use, and what kind of warranties they offer.

Splurge: Quality Custom Design

Going hand in hand with quality cabinetry, there are many advantages to putting your money toward having a professional designer as a guide through your kitchen renovation. The pros can help you budget wisely, avoid mistakes and importantly make the space both beautiful and functional – especially as the kitchen is one of the most complicated rooms of the house to lay out. A beautiful new kitchen needs a functional design behind it, and an expert kitchen designer specialises in making kitchens both efficient and comfortable by tailoring the space to suit who uses it and how they use it.

Save: Flooring

Your flooring is an area in which you can potentially make some savings, as depending on the state of your existing floor coverings and the new layout of the space you may not need to replace it at all! If there is no getting around it, keep in mind that the flooring isn’t the main feature of the room – it should be the support act for your joinery and furniture. So ideally you should be opting for something hard wearing and maintenance free, which means there are lots of cost-effective options such as laminate timber, concrete, or tiled flooring – which can not only be the most budget friendly choice, but also the most hard wearing and stain resistant.

Save: Handles & Accessories

Being savvy with your choice in hardware is a great way to save some money on your kitchen renovation, as you can get some great looking handles and knobs on a budget – and there are so many options out there to be found! The overall success of the design of the kitchen shouldn’t rely on handles or tapware – these items should complement the room. Instead more consideration should go into the layout and materials used in the ‘meat’ of the kitchen, such as the cabinetry and benchtops. Hardware is also a good area to save on as if you decide you want to change them or upgrade to something a bit more on the luxe side, they are easily interchangeable.

Save: Unnecessary Gadgets

Whilst we absolutely love the way gadgets, pull-outs, and fancy storage solutions can increase efficiency in your kitchen – these are typically luxury items which if you aren’t careful can quickly add up, so you need to choose them wisely if you are on a budget. We definitely don’t suggest you need to rule them out altogether, but make sure you are getting the most ‘bang for your buck’ efficiency with your selection, rather than adding accessories for accessories sake. For example, you can do away with flashy drawer inserts and opt for utensil dividers; and an L-shape under bench corner cabinet that has a simple shelf in it, as opposed to one that has an expensive spin around carousel in it, will be more cost effective, whilst still providing the same practicality to your kitchen.

If you’d like to speak to one of our designers about how to budget for your kitchen makeover, give us a call today on 1300 270 000. From the initial discussion right the way through to after-sales care, The Maker will ensure your project is an enjoyable experience. The Maker is Western Australia’s most awarded kitchen design and manufacturer focused on providing quality customer service and innovative designs, with a wealth of experience in a number of different design styles.

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