6 May 2021


Struggling to decide on whether to go for vinyl doors for your new kitchen, or are lacquer doors more suited for your project? Not sure of the difference? It’s important to understand the pros and cons of each type of door before making a decision, as there are certain factors influencing the care and maintenance, as well as the longevity of the product. With the kitchen being one of the most practically used areas in the home, it’s important to be able to use your kitchen in the way you want, rather than being worried about causing damage.


A vinyl door, common to most renovations, is a high quality and durable product, made by applying a vinyl wrap to a standard MDF door. Vinyl is consistently popular due to its sleek and glamorous look, and the ease of care and maintenance in keeping the cabinet doors looking as new as ever. Vinyl doors supplied by Polytec come with a 7 year guarantee on the product, providing peace of mind that doors can be replaced easily if there’s an issue with the product. Vinyl doors can only be done on flat surfaces as they are separate panels, so they are not as suitable for ornate kitchens with curves and intricate detailing.

A lacquer door on the other hand is a painted product, with a 2 pack paint applied to a standard MDF door. Lacquer doors, such as Farmers doors, are a great option for intricate and ornate kitchens with curves or intersecting faces – because it is painted, it can be done on any surface. Lacquer is also perfectly suited to projects where you’re after a unique colour, again because it is paint, the options are endless.

The downside to consider for the lacquer option is that the paint is no different to that on your car – meaning it is brittle and can be easily chipped and damaged, and becomes very difficult to repair and patch. As with your car, by simply painting over the chip, you may get a colour shade variation and discrepancy when compared to the rest of the door. For this reason it often means that a small chip will need to be rectified by replacing an entire section of doors. Lacquer doors do not come with a warranty, so if damage occurs through everyday use, you’ll be up for the cost to repair – not a great situation to end up in!

It’s important to consider both the visual appeal as well as the practical considerations of vinyl and lacquer as options for your new kitchen. If you’d like further information and to speak to one of our designers for advice on the options for your upcoming project, give us a call today on 1300 270 000. The Maker is Western Australia’s most awarded kitchen design and manufacturer focused on providing quality customer service and innovative designs.

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