16 July 2021


Have you been looking at your tired old kitchen for a while now thinking it’s time for an upgrade? Sick of your old appliances or benchtop and wanting to modernise your space, but not quite sure exactly where to start? A kitchen renovation in Perth can be a long and daunting process, but with our guide on how to kick off your project you’ll be on the right track for a smooth and efficient renovation.

Determine your needs vs your wants

Before heading anywhere else, spend some time in your kitchen evaluating your needs, not just for right now, but for however long you anticipate that you’ll be staying in the home. What is it about the current layout that you like or dislike? Assess the functionality of your current kitchen and determine what the goal would be for the new kitchen – maybe you need multiple workstations, more space for entertaining, a double oven for Sunday night roast, or extra storage space. Once you’ve determined what your needs are, consider what might be a ‘nice to have’ if budget permits, such as a marble benchtop or a pull-out pantry unit.

Seek design and style inspiration

Instagram and Pinterest are your new best friends! There is a plethora of inspiration and kitchen renovation ideas out there to help you narrow down the style you might like or perhaps even show you a style you hadn’t considered or heard of before. Our Pinterest profile is a great tool where you can save your favourite pins to a board, which can be helpful down the track when talking to a kitchen designer. Check us out on Instagram or some popular hashtags on Instagram like #kitchenrenovation or #kitcheninspiration for further images, noting down design layouts that resonate with you and colour palettes that inspire you.

Set a budget

It’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of a kitchen renovation and all the beautiful images online, but nothing can halt a project faster than a shock of what things can cost. Setting a budget you are comfortable with early on during the project will mean fewer surprises and a smoother process. A good rule of thumb for an investment in your kitchen is setting a figure between 5 and 15% of your home’s total value to renovate the kitchen – so for example, if your home is valued at $500,000 this could be anywhere between $25,000 and $75,000. Allowing up to 40-50% of your budget for cabinetry is also a good rule of thumb, depending on the materials and products you select.

Visit a kitchen design showroom

One of the best ideas for researching and preparing for your kitchen renovation is to visit a showroom in Perth. While Instagram and Pinterest are great for providing inspiration, nothing quite compares to seeing a fully functional kitchen in real life and being able to see and touch different materials and products. Visiting a showroom can be handy to see various layouts and envision yourself using the kitchen in everyday life, along with giving you an understanding of the depth and proportions of different elements in the kitchen. It is also particularly useful to chat to a kitchen designer who can assist with your design, give you an overview of expected costs and walk you through the benefits or disadvantages of various products and materials – there may be things you hadn’t considered that could vastly change how your renovation project ends up.

If you’re just getting started on your kitchen renovation in Perth, The Maker’s showroom in Bassendean is a great place to start your journey. Pop in for a casual discussion with one of our award-winning kitchen designers, or alternatively, book an appointment for a design consultation. To find out more information on how we can assist you, call us today on 1300 270 000

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