13 April 2021


Starting your kitchen renovation is exciting but, let’s be honest, it can also be disruptive. If you’re dreading the start of your renovations due to upheaval it may cause, there are a few simple ways that you can prepare for the inconvenience with some forward planning.

Given our extensive experience helping our customers through their renovations, we’re here to share easy ways to get through your renovations with minimal fuss.

Pack up ahead of time

The last thing you need is to be in a mad panic the night before your renovations trying to get everything out of the kitchen. Start the process at least a week before the renovations start by getting boxes together and starting to pack away non-essential items. Set aside an area in the house (the laundry or spare room are popular options) where you can stash your kitchen items so you don’t have the kitchen spread around the house.

Create a temporary kitchen

Make sure you create a space where you can operate a ‘mini kitchen’ during the renovations – the family room or dining room are good temporary kitchen options. Put aside basic items such as glasses, crockery and cutlery and leave out smaller appliances that can help you prepare food such as a toaster, microwave and sandwich press. This avoids the need to dig through already packed boxes during the renovation to try to find basic items and makes food preparation easier. Renovations are also a great time to use the outdoor barbeque to its full advantage!

Have a plan for food

We’re so used to being able to access everything in the kitchen that it be difficult to suddenly be faced with no pantry. Have a separate box where you can put aside basic food items, like breakfast cereal, as well as snacks so you have easy access when hunger strikes. Renovations are also a great excuse to secure a few dinner invitations with friends and family or to book a nice restaurant.

Take the time to clean out

You need to take everything out of your kitchen before the renovations begin so it’s the perfect time to cull your kitchen supplies. This will also make things a lot easier when it comes to putting everything back as you’ll be getting rid of clutter. Don’t just put everything in boxes – take a closer look at your kitchen items and put aside things which you don’t want anymore. It’s also a good time to check expiry dates of pantry items so you can rid of things which are out of date.

The Maker is WA’s most awarded kitchen designer and manufacturer and we pride ourselves on delivering custom, luxury kitchens to our clients. Our designers will help provide Kitchen renovation ideas to conceptualise the perfect design for your needs. To make the whole renovation process run smoothly, we provide client liaisons who are there to support you through the process.

For customised kitchen renovations in Perth, contact The Maker today on 1300 674 946.

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